Jesus Only?

“There is salvation in no one else [but Jesus], for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

Think of the person whom you love the most in this life (I mean other than the three persons of the holy Trinity).

Think of that person’s history (birth, family, friendships, work), interests and likes (kite-flying, apple pie), and ways of acting (the way he walks, the sound of her voice).  In your mind’s eye, trace the contours of your loved one’s face, or the feel of his or her touch, or how your loved one fills a room.

Can you ignore all of those things, or not care about them, and still love that person?

See, here’s the deal with God: He became flesh.  He became Jesus.  He just did—it’s His history.  He spoke and did things after His birth that are also part of His history, and that reveal His character and way of being.  And now God has raised this Jesus from the dead.  No one else lives as Jesus lives.  It simply is.

Can we love God and ignore who He is?  If salvation is life with God, how could we possibly have it without Him?

LET US PRAY: Thank you, dear God, for Your own dear self, in the body and the blood, bearing the name of Jesus.  In You I have received life, for You are life—blessed be Your Name forever!  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, April 25, 2018

“I shall remember the deeds of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds.” (Psalm 77:11-12)

Look to the Lord and see all that He has done. He who fashioned the heavens and the earth and filled them with all things also watches over you and all that He has created. Look to the Lord and know that in Him is light and life. Meaning is found in the Lord, for apart from Him is nothingness. Be guided by the Lord and know that He will bring you to be where He is.

Lord, I get caught up in all of the things life throws my way and do not see clearly that it is Your hand that sustains all things. Lead me, O Lord, to humbly walk with You that I may see that it is You who causes all things to be what and where they are. Clear my mind that I may learn to meditate upon all that You have said. Bring to remembrance Your Word that I may see Your message more clearly each day.

Christ the Savior, You are the message for all who meditate and turn to truth. You have come, for You alone know the way. Only You who has descended can ascend to heaven. Lead me to follow You all the days of my life knowing that You alone have the words of eternal life. Grant that I may boldly hold fast to You, the way, the truth and the life and not waiver, stumble nor fall away. Amen.