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“The stouthearted were plundered, they sank into sleep; and none of the warriors could use his hands. At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both rider and horse were cast into a dead sleep.” (Psalm 76:5-6)

The Lord is Master of all. He has given us our will, but what we do will never overcome what He has purposed. Yes, the wicked rise and plunder, but the Lord is not overcome. The rebuke of the Lord is powerful and He will do what is necessary for His righteous ones to come unto Him. He loves all and calls all and as many as believe come to Him and are under His guidance.

Lord God, You know us better than we know our selves. You know our times of trouble and our difficulties. You cause to slumber those who should be awake and you allow those who should slumber to be awake. You have purpose in all that comes to pass. Lead me, O Lord, in Your ways that I would humbly walk with You no matter what comes and live according to Your purposes.

Lord Jesus, refuge of the weary and the One who lifts up the broken hearted, guide me not just in trying to figure things out, but in the way You would have me walk. Lead me according to Your purposes to live into the life to which I have been created to live. Let me not be plundered by wickedness, but help me stand strong in the righteousness You give me by grace. Amen.

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