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“Do not lift up your horn on high, do not speak with insolent pride.” For not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert comes exaltation;” (Psalm 75:5-6)

The proud of this world speak boasts and make promises and declarations. Only in You Lord is there any boast, for all things are in Your hands. Who are any of us to boast of anything, for You give and You take and You have purposes that we are unable to fathom. Let it be enough to know You and to be invited to walk in Your ways that we might learn to truly praise You in all things.

Lord, I do rail against things that are not in my control. Guide me, Lord, in Your ways that I may know that only in You can I begin to see things as they are. Help me overcome the sin that causes me to think that I can either boast, or lament when what concerns me is in Your hands. From You alone comes the hope or the lament of this age. Teach me to respond faithfully in Your will.

Lord Jesus, as You walked the earth, You showed us the range of emotions that You had concerning humanity. In great love, You reached out to heal the sick and to lift up the lonely. You gave Yourself that we might know life and be prepared for life eternal. Over what then should I lament? It is all in Your hands. Teach me to lift up my voice and hands to proclaim with my life Your salvation. Amen.

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