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“Yet God is my king from of old, who works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth. You divided the sea by Your strength; You broke the heads of the sea monsters in the waters.” (Psalm 74:12-13)

Everything that exists has come from the hand of God. Apart from Him is nothing and all that is, is in His hands. Guide me, O Lord, that I may know Your goodness always and live in Your grace. You are the One through whom all things have their being. Lead me, Lord, in the way You would have me go that I may walk in Your light during this life You gave.

Adversity comes, but it too passes. One day will be the final day of adversity and the Lord will bring upon the earth its judgement. Between now and then, You who created all things unfold Your purpose for the sake of those who love You. You are the King and those who know Your voice understand that You are the King of kings. It is You who purposes all things for Your glory.

Lord Christ, You have revealed the glory of salvation that we may see that all works to the glory of the Father. Guide me, Lord Jesus, to walk humbly in the way You have instructed that I may forever hold fast to the goodness You give by grace. Help me now and always to look to You, knowing that all things are in the Father’s hand and that it will work together for good because of the love You have poured upon us. Amen.

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