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“How long, O God, will the adversary revile, and the enemy spurn Your name forever? Why do You withdraw Your hand, even Your right hand? From within Your bosom, destroy them!” (Psalm 74:10-11)

Each generation has those moments in which they cry out, “How long O Lord?” There are wicked in the world, but there are those yet unborn whom the Lord desires to be in His kingdom and so for a short time, the Lord allows the wheat and chaff to be mixed together. The Lord is fulfilling His purpose and it will come to pass according to His will. Look to the Lord, for He is good.

Lord, I encounter injustice and I want retribution to be meted out. Guide me, O Lord, to know that in You is hope and a future; for You alone know all things and all are in Your sight. Those who reject You have their moment in this world and then what? You offer to those who love You life and life everlasting. Guide me, O Lord, in Your ways that I may abide in You now and forever.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead all who come to You through the storms of this life. Lead me, Lord, that I may walk in Your ways and learn from You gentleness, humility and faithfulness, abounding in the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Justice belongs to the Father, so guide me by Your Spirit away from my selfish actions to be one who does as You have instructed and allows the light in me to shine that others may know that You are the LORD. Amen.

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