Devotion for Saturday, March 31, 2018

‘It seems as if one had lifted up His axe in a forest of trees. And now all its carved work they smash with hatchet and hammers. They have burned Your sanctuary to the ground; They have defiled the dwelling place of Your name.” (Psalm 74:5-7)

The way of the world sadly repeats itself. Build up, create beautiful things, carve up what God created and then destroy everything. And the people go along. Come into the Lord’s courts and see both the madness of the world and the calm and unchanging beauty of what the Lord has made. Contrast them for yourself and then wonder at the insanity of sin and the destruction it brings.

Lord, free me from the insane cycle of this world to be free to be in You now and always. Help me by lifting me out of the pit to first see truth and then to walk in Your ways. Change my heart and place in it respect for all that You have made and a willingness to hold fast to that which never changes. Guide me, Lord, in Your ways to see things through Your eyes and to love what You have made.

Lord Jesus, You know the crazy ways in which people respond to things. You have seen it over and over again throughout the ages. You saw it amongst those whom You served while in Your earthly ministry. Guide me, O Lord, to hold fast to what You teach, to walk humbly with You amidst all the turmoil of this world and to know that Your ways are everlasting and true. Amen.