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“Turn Your footsteps toward the perpetual ruins; the enemy has damaged everything within the sanctuary. Your adversaries have roared in the midst of Your meeting place; they have set up their own standards for signs.” (Psalm 74:3-4)

The world hates God and the battle is constant. The wicked one wants God’s people scattered and the things of the Lord forever banished. It has been this way since the Fall. The wicked set up competing and mocking signs in contradiction to the ways of the Lord, which lead people away from Him and the truth. Do not be deceived; the Lord is not mocked. He is God.

Lord, I think the times I experience are unique, but they are not. This has been going on from the beginning. Clear my eyes to see the simple truth of Your promises and the hope that You give that I may walk in Your ways. Lead me, O Lord, to become faithful to the call of grace You have given me. Grant boldness that I may stand firm in opposition to the lies, instead living in the truth You have proclaimed from the beginning.

Lord Jesus, You came and fulfilled the law and the word of the prophets. You teach us to walk humbly with You in every time and in all places. Guide me O Lord in the way You would have me go and grant me the encouragement to hold fast amidst the turmoil of this world. Help me now and always to be one of Your lights shining in the darkness of this world for all to see that I may reflect Your glory to them . Amen.

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