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How shall you meditate on the sufferings of Christ so that they have their way with you?

This Wednesday we stand on the cusp of the “Triduum,” or “Three Days,” in which we celebrate the sufferings that our Lord undertook for the redemption of the world.  To guide you in that celebration, I offer you three questions: who, what, and why?

Who suffered?  The Supper tells the story: “given and shed for you.”  The One who suffers is the One who is for you in all that He does and all that He is.

What did He suffer?  Sit with this word: betrayal.  Unwanted at His conception, contradicted in His teachings, blasphemed for His miracles, and abandoned by disciples and nation alike, Jesus suffered great betrayal.  He was truly “given up.”

Why did He do it?  Given and shed for you, He must have done it for you.  His universal betrayal leaves Him standing as the only Trustworthy One.  He breaks us from trusting in ourselves to trust in Him alone.

For these next three days, then, see nothing of your own faithfulness.  See, instead, this Jesus being faithful for you.

LET US PRAY: You, Jesus, are the faithful one; You are the worthy one; You are the Faith of the church and the Grace of God.  Let all creatures in heaven and on earth adore You, even in Your miserable sufferings, for so You have redeemed the universe.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

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