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May he have dominion from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth! May desert tribes bow down before him, and his enemies lick the dust!” (Psalm 72:8-9)

What is the goal of the Lord? Is it not that the nations live in peace with each other and that their people love one another as neighbors? Is this not what He has said from the beginning? We are to live toward this goal, for this is the command of the Lord. It does not matter in this age what actually happens; we are to strive for what is right in the Lord’s sight knowing He will make of us what He wills if we trust in Him.

Lord help me to not get caught up in the despair of a world that is in constant conflict, but have the goal of living according to Your will. Let me learn how to press on and simply do what is right in Your sight though all I do goes down in flames. Lead me, O Lord, according to Your purpose to be the kind of person You are creating me to be, knowing that our hope is in You alone.

Lord Jesus, as You walked the earth the crowds gathered around You in hope. Then You were crucified and they scattered. Help me to see the simple truth that You are up to bigger things than we can at first see that I may not become disappointed at what I think are setbacks. Grant the ability to persevere that I may continue to fight the good fight of faith knowing the Father’s will is being done. Amen.

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