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“The humble have seen it and are glad; you who seek God, let your heart revive. For the Lord hears the needy and does not despise His who are prisoners.” (Psalm 69:32-33)

Over and over again, Scripture calls for us to be humble. Humility is not self-effacing, but standing fully in the truth. The truth is that God loves everyone without partiality. We all have sinned and therefor are not exempt from the frustrations others have because of our sins. Come to the Lord humbly and know that He who hears you will have mercy and grace upon you.

Lord, there are many things I need to learn. I have been guilty, perhaps not by intention, but in the breaking of the law. But I desire Your mercy and compassion to lift me out of the pit of despair that sin brings upon the world. Free me from the prison of sin to live humbly with You all the days of my life. Guide me in Your goodness to know Your grace and mercy as I walk with You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to set the captives free. You have come to lead us into humility to stand with You, the Truth, and walk where You lead. Guide me, O Lord, to see in You the hope of all ages and to know Your goodness. Help me learn to practice all that You teach me that I would live as You lived upon the earth and minister to others as You have ministered to me. Amen.

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  • Pr. Robert H. Logan says:

    Please help me find CORE’s provision for The Prayer of the Church on this website. Not too computer literate.

    • Kim Smith says:

      If you are viewing the website from a desktop computer, the menu is at the top and you will find them under Worship–>Prayers of the Church. If you’re looking at the website via a small screen device, such as a cell phone, you can get to the menu by clicking on the hamburger icon () which is three horizontal lines stacked up onto each other. That will move a vertical menu onto the screen and from there you will be able to choose Worship and then Prayers of the Church. Hope that helps!

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