Devotion for Saturday, February 10, 2018

“Answer me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is good; according to the greatness of Your compassion, turn to me, and do not hide Your face from Your servant, for I am in distress; answer me quickly.” (Psalm 69:16-17)

It seems to us that the Lord is far off when it is us who are far from the Lord. We do not think He hears because we do not listen. When we blame the Lord, it is our fault, not His, for what we are blaming Him. Come into the presence of the Lord. Do not stand far off, but near, and know that the Lord is quick to answer and ever present in every time of need. Turn to the Lord and live.

Lord, I am distant and far off. I do stand away and expect You to come to me. You have come to me and then I backed away. Lead me, O Lord, according to Your grace to await You. You have asked that I follow You. Help me to follow, and lift me up from this pit that I may be one who walks with You. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of life and help me to follow You always.

Lord Jesus, You indeed have come to us, but then there is our part to receive You. Guide me, O Lord, according to Your goodness that I would live in the life You give by grace. Help me now and always not to stand off or far away, but simply to humbly submit and live the life You give. Guide me, O Lord, through this life of difficulty to see You always. Amen.