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“But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.” (Deuteronomy 18:20)

“What?  I never told him THAT!”  Whenever we find ourselves misquoted or misrepresented we object and want to set the record straight.  “No, what I really said was . . . .”  If we care so much for our speech, how much more must God care for His!

By His words, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1, Psalm 33:6, Hebrews 11:3).  So also did Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, and preach good news by His words, and by His word believers are born anew (1 Peter 1:23).  God is jealous for His word for good reason—on it hangs life and salvation!

Here is why preachers and doctrine alike matter so much.  Both have to do with God’s word, the very word of life.  Each generation of the Church seeks to raise a new flood of preachers so that they may carry that word forward, not only to safeguard its truth—“God says THIS, not THAT”—but also to share it, that many may hear and believe.

Whom do you know who would make a good preacher?

LET US PRAY: O Lord of the harvest, raise up preachers after Your own heart who so love Your word as to study it, cherish it, and teach and proclaim it freely; through Christ our Lord.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

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