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“There is Benjamin, the youngest, ruling them, the princes of Judah in their throng, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali. Your God has commanded your strength; show Yourself strong, O God, who have acted on our behalf.” (Psalm 68:27-28)

Strong men arise and for a time it seems their strength is preeminent but they too will pass away. History is filled with those who rose and then fell. The hopes of man are for a generation.  The hope of the Lord is forever. He who has all strength, power and authority is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Come to the One who gives true strength, and trust in His leading.

Lord I see the strong men of this age and fear them, yet they are nothing to You. You who are able to destroy body and soul is above all. Let me not walk in fear but in the confidence that faith provides knowing that all things are now and always will be in Your hands. Thank You Lord for being patient and slow to anger with each generation that we may have the opportunity to learn to love and praise You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead the way for as many as would follow You in the upward journey of hope into eternity. Lead me this day, regardless of the world’s condition,to see in You the hope You give. Guide me to be faithful and diligent in all things that I may abide in the glory of the Father now and forever. Help me learn from You how to meet each day as it comes.  Amen.

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