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‘That your foot may shatter them in blood, the tongue of your dogs may have its portion from your enemies. “They have seen Your procession, O God, the procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.” (Psalm 68:23-24)

Though in this age they do not acknowledge the Lord, His hand in history is evident. He raises up the lowly and brings down the haughty. Nations come and go, but the Lord is always present. See that the procession of the Lord is always present. You are invited to join in the way of the Lord and see that His hand is upon all things. All shall come about as He has purposed.

Lord, I do doubt and wonder with the tides of history. I forget to step back and see that it is true that once mighty nations are nothing and once nothing nations are mighty. Bring my eyes to see more clearly that You are indeed Sovereign of the ages and that all things not only are in Your hands, but will work out exactly in that way You have purposed that they should work out.

Lord Jesus, You knew every step of the way what was coming as You headed to the cross. Help me see Your intentional hand this day in my life that I would know in my spirit that it is Your purpose that shall lead my day. Guide me now and always in the grace You have abundantly provided and help me hold fast to the promises You give. May I learn from You to be faithful.  Amen.

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