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“When you lie down among the sheepfolds, You are like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and its pinions with glistening gold.  When the Almighty scattered the kings there, it was snowing in Zalmon.”  (Psalm 68:13-14)

Events in history remind us of the mighty fall.  We are like sheep and lie down in a particular fold and regardless of where we are, we are under the eye of the King of all kings.  The Almighty does scatter the proud and boastful.  He humbles those who ravage His sheep.  The Lord knows the coming and going of all and it is in His hands.  Come then into the presence of the King.

Lord, I see it in history when the mighty tyrants seem to have everything under their dominion but they come to naught.  Guide me to always keep the perspective of truth where I see how these mad things spoken and done in the moment amount to nothing.  Keep me from being caught up in the ongoing insanity of this world knowing that all things are in Your hands, O Lord.

Lord Jesus, how sad it must have been for You to have looked at the proud and arrogant as they threatened You.  You through whom all things have their being looked into the eyes of those who hated You and threatened You and You met them with love.  Guide me in Your ways, O Lord, that I would walk in the love You teach me, knowing that all things always have been in Your hands.  Amen.

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