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“The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host: “Kings of armies flee, they flee, and she who remains at home will divide the spoil!”  (Psalm 68:11-12)

The Lord is in control.  The Lord will not be thwarted.  For a time, the enemies of the Lord may seem to prevail, but their days are numbered.  The Lord creates all days, they are His and He will bless whom He will bless.  The one who remains in the House of the Lord will be forever blessed.  Come then into the Lord’s protection and rest in the One who is Lord and King.

Lord, this world is in constant turmoil.  I see so many things and hear so many more about this and that.  The world tries to convince me that You have no power.  For a time they seem to prevail, but I know their day is coming with wailing and gnashing of teeth.  Help me, O Lord, to remain in Your house and hold true to what You have taught me.  Guide me, Lord, in the way I should go today and every day.

Lord Jesus, you are the King who has come and conquered death.  I am the woman who divides the spoil.  Your enemies flee before You.  In this world I do not see this as Your enemies rail all around.  Bring my eyes to see and my ears to hear the simple truth that You are King of kings and that all things are in Your hands, including me.  Lead me today, O Lord, to follow where You lead.  Amen.

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