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“You shed abroad a plentiful rain, O God; You confirmed Your inheritance when it was parched.  Your creatures settled in it; You provided in Your goodness for the poor, O God.”  (Psalm 68:9-10)

Think for a moment on the reality of this world.  In spite of all that man does to man, humanity has been fed, blessed and cared for.  Throughout history all that is needed has been provided.  The widow and the orphan are provided for.  The hungry are fed.  The Lord provides, but we must work by the sweat of our brow.  He brings the rain in due season and the fields are refreshed.

I listen to those who say otherwise, and I believe their report.  Lead me back to the simple truth that You provide what is needed in due season.  I have little to complain about Lord, for You provide for all of those in need.  Guide me into a frame of mind that simply sees the goodness You have provided for all with the seasons unfolding as You have planned that we may praise You.

Lord Jesus, teach me to praise You in season and out of season.  Guide me in the way I should go and empower my feet to walk in that way.  Lead me by the example You have given to walk as You walked and to live as You would have me live.  In all things, help me to be thankful and know that in You alone is the hope of all people, for You alone modeled the way we need to go.  Amen.

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