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“O God, when You went forth before Your people, when You marched through the wilderness.  The earth quaked; the heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself quaked at the presence of God, the God of Israel.”  (Psalm 68:7-8)

As it was then it still is now.  The Lord goes before His people.  The Lord provides what is needed.  As it was then it is still now.  There are times of adversity and times when things are not going as we would like.  The Lord still goes before us, for all that is needed is provided.  Walk then in the way of the Lord and be content, for the Lord your God goes before you.

Lord, I have bought into the soft soap about things going well if You love me.  Lead me to the place where I know, at all times and in all places, You are there with me, in front of me and preparing the way before me.  Guide me in the way of goodness that I would now and always abide in the way You have set before me knowing that all You do ends to the good.

Lord Jesus, You had the way prepared before You prepared the way before me.  Guide me in the goodness and grace You provide that I would walk according to the way You have established.  Lead me in the righteousness You give that in You, and only in You, would I walk this day and every day.  You are the Lord of my salvation and the only One that knows what is needed.  Amen.

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