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“Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.  The earth has yielded its produce; God, our God, blesses us.  God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him.”  (Psalm 67:5-7)

In the ebb and flow of history, nations arise which do praise the Lord.  They are blessed when they do.  But whether or not they bless the Lord, He provides for them.  The earth brings forth its bounty and God provides for all.  See how good the Lord is and although many ignore Him, be one who blesses the Lord for the goodness He brings forth into this world.

Lord I am often more influenced by those around me than by You.  Yet the truth is that Your presence so permeates the world that it is You who is everywhere.  Help me to see more clearly that only in You is there hope and a future and that by Your goodness we all live.  Guide my heart to simply give thanks and praise You always and in every situation.  Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, not only were all things created by and through You, but You have redeemed the world by giving Your own life as a sacrifice.  Lead me, Lord Jesus, to live into the promises You have given and know that in You is there hope and a future, Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led to walk in the way You have established always.  Guide me and teach me how to praise and be thankful for all things.  Amen.

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