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“If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear; but certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer.  Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me.”  (Psalm 66:18-20)

It is not that the Lord does not know all of the things that wander through our minds but that the Lord is intolerant of sin.  Yet, He perseveres in seeking after us that we may come into His presence with thanksgiving.  He must create in all of us a clean heart that we would come into His presence as we were made to be and not as we have become.  His lovingkindness is forever,

Lord I have harbored thoughts in my mind that need to be removed.  Guide me in Your ways that Your thoughts would be my thoughts as I learn in order that Your ways become my ways.  Guide me in the way of salvation which You have prepared that I would walk the journey You have planned.  Before me is Your goodness and lovingkindness; and my desire is to be Yours always.

Thank You, Lord, that You have not turned a blind eye to my plight.  Through the salvation You have prepared in the sacrifice of Christ, You have made possible my eternal reconciliation.  Guide me, Lord Jesus, in the way of the cross that I would forever hold fast to the truth You have revealed and the way that has been made straight.  You alone are able to lead me where I need to go.  Take me with You that where You are I will be also.  Amen.

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