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“He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot; there let us rejoice in Him!  He rules by His might forever; His eyes keep watch on the nations; let not the rebellious exalt themselves.”  (Psalm 66:6-7)

There are those who are unwilling to believe these simple things.  God led the Israelites out of bondage and into the promised  land.  God can dry up the water.  God keeps His eyes upon the nations.  The rebellious will speak what they wish but God has spoken what is true.  You and I are called to witness what has been reported.  What is true?  Let not the rebellious be exalted.

O Lord, how majestic are the works of Your hands.  All around is the evidence of Your handiwork, but the rebellious rail against You and dream up their own ideas of reality.  Lead me away from the rebellion and into the simple truth which I see all around me.  Guide me according to Your precepts that I would walk in the ways You have established.  Lead me, O Lord, now and always.

Lord Jesus You are the strength of those who labor in the fields of this earth.  Many toil away and believe and the few argue away and lead astray many.  Help me to stand firm in the truth I have witnessed that the rebellious ones would have no sway over me.  Lead me to hold fast to the eternal truth You have revealed and the faith You have given me by grace that I may walk with You.  Amen.

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