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Friday January 5, 2018 Devotion

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.  Say to God, “How awesome are Your works!  Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.”  (Psalm 66:1-2)

The Creator of all things is the One through whom all things have their being.  To give thanks and praise to the One who made you should be a natural and good thing.  Alas, in a world of rebellion, the creatures glorify themselves and ignore the One who made them.  The Lord will not force any to praise Him but looks for those who will because He is good.

Lord I understand the principle but find myself in the struggle where I see You not as the One to be praised but as an object outside of myself.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led by Your goodness and walk in Your ways which are right.  Help me see through the cloud of sin in this world to do that which is natural; that is, to praise You in all circumstances and sing Your glory.

To You, Lord Jesus , is all honor and praise due.  You have come not only to lead the way, but to provide the very things that are needed to bridge the gap between what is and what will be.  Lead me now and always to seek through You the glory of the Father in the grace You provide which enables me to do all things.  To You be praise and glory and honor and dominion now and forever.  Amen.


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