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With joy and gratitude for the gift of Christ the Savior, let us draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer, asking his mercy for the Church, the world, and all who need his loving-kindness.

A brief silence

Most holy God, let your voice fill the Church with your glory. Let your strong Word be faithfully proclaimed in that Church, so that it brings the promise of salvation to those who do not know him. Let it ever rejoice when many become heirs of his promise and members of his Body.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Guide, guard and bless your persecuted servants throughout the world. Let your Word be found upon their lips and in their hearts. By their faithful witness, lead even their enemies to the light of your salvation. We also ask your blessing upon our sister congregations and companion synods, and upon all missionaries of your Gospel.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let your Word thunder in this congregation, until everyone who worships here cries “Glory” and proclaims your holy Name in word and deed. Conform our lives to the image of your dear Son; and let the light of his holy and forgiving love shine brightly in all we say and do.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let your living Word fill the lives of the newly baptized; of all who this day profess their faith in your most blessed Name; and of all who waver at the very edge of repentance and belief in your strong saving love for them. Keep them in your care; and help each of us to be good examples and mentors in their journey of discipleship.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let your Word shape the minds, hearts and wills of all who take counsel for the nations. Fill each person throughout this sin-shrouded world with your Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of you, and joy in your presence. Banish from our midst those things which lead to hatred, strife and suffering; and speak your Word of peace to us all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let your strong Word be the shield, light and safety of all who risk their lives for the sake of others. Give them such integrity and strength of character that the innocent and defenseless may always look to them for help; and when their work is done, bring them home in safety to their loved ones.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let your living Word bring health, wholeness and hope to all who suffer, especially: {LIST}. Bless all who minister to them; and let the radiance of your Son’s love gladden their hearts.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We thank you, heavenly Father, for your powerful voice that splits open the tombs of your children, and calls them out of death into eternal life. We ask your word of comfort and strength for all who grieve; and for your protection and guidance for each of us, until we join those who continually cry “Glory” in your blessed presence, and dwell with you in the splendor of eternal light and life that you share with your Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Graciously hear, and generously answer our prayers and petitions, dear Father, as may be best for us and to your greater glory, thorough your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

These Prayers of the Church along with hymn suggestions by Rev. Cathy Ammlung may be downloaded from here:

Baptism of Our Lord, 01-07-18

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