“Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and murmur, and He will hear my voice. He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me, for they are many who strive with me.” (Psalm 55:17-18)
Let’s face it, we all love to murmur and complain. Not that this accomplishes anything, but we do it anyway. Be not one who is constantly complaining, but look to the Lord who knows your need before you ask. Your soul is in the promise of the Lord if you will but submit to Him in all of your ways. Turn therefore and be comforted in the promise of the Lord knowing that He knew you before you were born.
These words are so easy to read Lord, but hard for the heart to act upon. Help my unbelief that I would trust You in all things and for all things knowing that You will bring all things together for glory for those who love You. Guide me O Lord to walk in all of Your ways now and forever that I would know that my soul has been redeemed in peace and that the battle is Yours alone.
Lord Jesus, You have come and fought the fight and won the war for as many as believe. Although the battle rages on around us in this generation, open my eyes to see that the war is over. Grant patience for what must take place and lead me beside the quiet waters that I may have my soul restored. You are Lord and Master and You know all that is needed. Guide me in Your ways now and always. Amen.