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“Willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O Lord, for it is good.  For He has delivered me from all trouble, and my eye has looked with satisfaction upon my enemies.”  (Psalm 54:6-7)


Lord, You call for me to willingly sacrifice to You, but I often begrudgingly make sacrifices.  My eye often does look with satisfaction when my enemies get what I think they deserve.  But all of this merely points to the fact that my heart is far from You and not like Yours.  You have the ability to create in me a clean heart, So Lord I ask that You would do so, so that I may have a heart that is pleasing to You.


Lord, I can use this Psalm to justify the wickedness in my heart, but that is not why you put it here.  Help me, I pray, to simply come to the place where I am willing to put the whole of me on the altar of Your presence and be one who sacrifices all for You.  Deliver me from the trouble of my heart and guide me according to Your goodness to see in You alone the hope of glory that You offer in grace.


Lord Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me by Your grace to make sacrifices that are pleasing to the Father.  Kindle in me the Spirit of Your love that I would not seek things for vain glory, but look to You as the example of One who sacrificed Himself for the sake of us all.  Lead me Lord Jesus, for I cannot, nor should not ever take the lead.  Amen.

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