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“For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.  “I know every bird of the mountains, and everything that moves in the field is Mine.”  (Psalm 50:9-10)


God created everything.  It is all His.  “Who’s likeness is on the coin?,” Jesus asked, but He did not ask who made the material the coin was made from.  The order of this world has been set up for awhile, but never forget who it is that made all of this.  God knows all that is His and He shares it with us willingly.  Come to the One who holds all things in His hands and know His goodness.


Lord, You are the Maker of all things.  Help me to never forget this.  Guide me according to Your goodness that I would forever hold fast to the truth and thank You for entrusting to me what You have placed at my disposal.  Guide me O Lord always to be a good steward of what is Yours knowing that You know all things and graciously share them as there is need.


Lord Jesus, You did not participate in the mad scramble of this world to provide this that and the other thing for Your disciples.  Instead, You have given the better portion by speaking truth.  Guide me O Lord now and always to seek after the kingdom knowing that all else that is needed will be provided.  You are the One who leads the way; lead me O Lord in the way I should go.  Amen.

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