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“I do not reprove you for your sacrifices, and your burnt offerings are continually before Me.  “I shall take no young bull out of your house nor male goats out of your folds.”  (Psalm 50:7-8)


What can we sacrifice for the Lord?  What can we give Him that is not already His?  He desires our love.  God who is love desires that we would have hearts for Him alone.  This cannot be commanded, nor demanded, but must be given freely and without compunction.  Come to the Lord, learn His goodness and see in Him the truth of the ages.  In Him is life, love, fullness and goodness.


Lord You call to me that I would come and obey all that You have commanded.  Guide me O Lord in Your goodness that I would learn from You.  In the gentleness of You grace., guide me ever upward to You that I might know the truth You have revealed and live that truth today and forever.  Help me O Lord by placing in me a new and clean heart that desires Your ways.


Lord Jesus, You have come and modeled the godly life.  Help me now and always to see through the clouds of this age the truth You have revealed.  In Your goodness, change my heart to look to You, the author and finisher of my faith to see all that I can and should do in preparation for all that is to come.  In You and by Your grace may I live now and always knowing that You are the way, truth and life.  Amen.

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