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Scripture Lessons

Isaiah 52:7-10 (Beautiful on mountain are feet of those announcing peace,

salvation of God)

Psalm 98 (Sing a new song, all creation; God judges with equity, righteousness)

Hebrews 1:1-12 (God speaks to us through his Son, who is greater than angels)

John 1:1-14 (The Word is made flesh!)


Opening hymn: LBW #50, Angels, From the Realms of Glory (LSB #367, ELW #275)

OR LSB #378, Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light

Hymn of Praise: LBW #71, Angels We Have Heard on High (LSB #368, ELW #289)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #42, Of the Father’s Love Begotten (LSB #384, ELW #295)

OR LSB #383, A Great and Mighty Wonder (tune is “The Church’s One

Foundation,” so it’s easy to sing)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #56, The First Noel ELW #300)

Communion Hymn #2: ELW #294, In the Bleak Midwinter

OR LBW #70, Go Tell It on the Mountain (LSB #388, ELW #290)

Closing Hymn: LBW #62, The Bells of Christmas Chime Once More (ELW #298)

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