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Hymns and liturgy paraphrases are in PDF format. Once you open the post, you will see a link to the PDF. Please use your browser’s print feature to print a PDF.

October 2, 2018

O Jesus, Lord! (Two settings)

October 2, 2018

Lord, Let Your Servant Go in Peace: A hymn paraphrase of the Nunc Dimittis for Christmastide

October 2, 2018

Jesus Christ, God’s Dear Lamb: A hymn paraphrase of the Agnus Dei (“Lamb of God”) for Christmastide

October 2, 2018

Holy, Holy, Holy God Most High: A hymn paraphrase of the Sanctus for Christmastide

October 2, 2018

In Peace, Together Let Us Pray: A Litany for Christmastide

October 2, 2018

With Glory Bright: A hymn paraphrase of the Gloria in Excelsis for Christmastide

October 1, 2018

Lord, Let Your Servant Go In Peace: A hymn paraphrase of the Nunc Dimittis for Advent and Lent

October 1, 2018

Lord Jesus, God’s Own Lamb: A hymn paraphrase of the “Lamb of God” (Agnus Dei) for Advent and Lent

October 1, 2018

Holy, Most Holy God: A hymn paraphrase of the “Sanctus” for Advent and Lent

October 1, 2018

Thrice-Holy, Mighty, and Immortal Lord: A hymn paraphrase of the Nicene Creed for Advent and Lent

October 1, 2018

Advent Hymn: a paraphrase of the “Gloria in Excelsis” for Advent

October 1, 2018

In Heavenly Peace, We Pray to Thee: a hymn paraphrase of the Kyrie for Advent and Lent

September 23, 2018

Lord Jesus Christ, Our God and King: A Hymn for Christ the King and other Festivals